It's Free. No Commissions.

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Find Renovators able to work within your timeline
*Renovators only meet homeowners with key collections 6-9 months away
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Find Renovators able to work within your timeline *Renovators only meet homeowners with key collections 6-9 months away
Find Renovators experienced with your property type
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Find Renovators experienced with your property type

Save Time. Match with those who can work within your budget. Indicate your max. budget so we can expand the matching pool
$40,001 - $50,000
Save Time. Match with those who can work within your budget. Indicate your max. budget so we can expand the matching pool

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Your Aesthetics

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*Select up to 2

Your Working Style

*Select up to 2
*Select up to 2

Your Lifestyle

Select the profile(s) that will be living or eventually be living with you:
Select the profile(s) that will be living or eventually be living with you:

*Select as many as you like:
*Select as many as you like:
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You will receive your Matches via WhatsApp. We will get your consent before sending your contact info to Renovators.
*No WhatsApp? No worries, just enter the best phone number we can reach you at!
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You will receive your Matches via WhatsApp. We will get your consent before sending your contact info to Renovators. *No WhatsApp? No worries, just enter the best phone number we can reach you at!

Receive My Matches

HomeMatch is 100% free for Homeowners and you don't have to worry about additional mark-ups when engaging Renovators you meet from HomeMatch.

How is this possible? Here are the facts... ‍
1) Unlike most platforms, we don't collect sales commissions. Instead, we profit by charging Renovators an upfront advertising fee (it might be even lower than their own advertising costs!). This enables us to be a neutral party who makes recommendations in your best interest!

2) Our job is to ensure a win-win. As much as we're finding you the most suitable renovators, we're also helping renovators find the most suitable homeowners for their business 😆

3) Also... all Renovators we recommend are CaseTrust-accredited. So, you'll receive itemised quotations to prevent hidden costs

The Safest-Smartest Assurance is a free service that protects you before, during, and after renovation.

It is also the most comprehensive set of guarantees in the industry:

1. We will clarify on your specific renovation needs. We make sure we understand them really really well.

2. Our matching algorithm considers your budget, aesthetics, lifestyle, working style, property type, reno timeline and misc. requirements to find you the most suitable renovators. Full Details
Really quick. Usually during the same working day.

If you're busy, don't let it stop you! We'll accommodate to your schedule. You'll be able to let us know after filling-in this form 👍
If you were to sign a contract with a Renovator eligible for the Safest-Smartest Assurance, we'll help you vet through the contract to ensure adherence to good consumer policies. This is a free service. We'll also give you tailored advice on what to look out for, so you can proactively reduce reno hiccups. You can also tell us anything. We'll keep it confidential and advise you in your best interests.

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